From Ms. Amba Sanjeevi (a former CLRI colleague)

Mr. R. Venkatesan     2011- written by  R. Sanjeevi and  S. Amba

Though both of us would have been extremely happy to write about Mr. Venkatesan, our mentor, guide, well wisher and friend, the circumstances in which we have to do so is painful and grieves us a great deal.
We not only looked up to Mr. Venkatesan, we also looked to him for help and guidance especially when things looked bleak for us at our place of work. He not only guided us but also gave us the mental strength to face various trials and tribulations.
A man of sterling character and strong sense of values, he was ever ready to help those who were in trouble. Not only did we approach him for help for us but we never ever hesitated to approach him on behalf of others and needless to say, in every instance, he came forward to help them whenever he felt that right was on their side. He never hesitated in expressing his views and did so with impunity even to the highest official without any thought about how it would affect his career or him personally.
Though he presented a stern exterior and would sort of appear intimidating, we soon found out that it was only an exterior pose and that beneath he was a very caring person who felt for others and wanted to help them in whatever way he could. We are sure that during the course of his career, he would also have faced innumerable problems but not once did we see him grousing or expressing his dissatisfaction with life. The only dissatisfaction we ever heard him express was when work was not done satisfactorily.  
We enjoyed talking to him during the lunch break periods as he was a fount of knowledge and well read and would discuss world issues and other issues of political and social interest. His choice of words and turn of phrase used to fascinate us so much.
When I (Sanjeevi) first joined CLRI, I did not know anyone and within a few days was invited for the farewell party for the Administrative Officer.  After the party, there was quite a bit of discussion among my colleagues and Mr. Venkatesan’s name cropped up frequently. I was intrigued as the farewell was to the A.O. and the person who was talked about so much was Mr. Venkatesan!  The reason was that Mr. Venkatesan was one of the first to speak at the party and he courageously mentioned that the A.O. was being transferred without promotion to the next grade though he was a honest officer as he did not get a favourable CR. This at a time when Mr. Venkatesan was the P.A. to the Director.  This incident made a great impact and I developed great respect for Mr.Venkatesan.  Much later, when I had to face problems regarding a fellowship, he called for the files and after studying it and looking at precedents interceded on my behalf with the  Director and it was decided in my favour. 
I (Amba) first met him on the very day I joined CLRI and was in awe of his personality from that time onwards. As in the above case, when I had problems regarding a fellowship, Mr Venkatesan helped me out and personally spoke to his family in Delhi to guide me in the matter.  We worked together to conduct the annual Oratorical Contest and it was a most interesting and happy time for me.
The picture of Sri Ramar Pattabhishekam which he presented us for our grihapravesam still hangs in our house and we think of him whenever we look at it.
We have said much about his official persona, but we also knew him as a caring and strong family member, a fond grandfather. Though he never expressed openly his pride in his wife and children, it used to come out during his conversations and we were well aware of how much he respected and thought highly of his sons and especially his wife. He had great respect for his wife and admired her for her commitment to his family and staunchly believed in her capacity to run a joint family. We knew that she was the pillar for him to lean on and that she made it possible for him to concentrate his energies on his work and later on on his various interests.  He wanted to be independent and not trouble anyone for anything.
Above all, he had the greatest reverence for Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the timing looked as if he wished to be always with his Guru though it meant leaving his near and dear in tears.


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